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Sunday, 6 September 2015

Where Did I Go?

I've been putting off writing this post mostly because the longer I do the more there is to write. I've been in London for around three and a half months now, I've never been busier in my life I always have somewhere to be and as much as I love having so much to do I've been frantic with work and letting myself get a bit run down.

This week I've decided to make some serious cutbacks in drinking after work, I've started yoga again and have been sleeping my weekend away to try and get those hours back up after too many nights working and being out.

I can't express how different my life is now to 4 months ago. It feels like longer but in other ways it's gone so fast. I've met so many lovely people and two of them in particular have helped more than I could have imagined in terms of supporting me and helping me get set up. I'm going to do my best to get back to posting once a week because I do love having this blog as a creative outlet. Even if it's just a personal post about trips I've made it'll give me something to work on. Aside from that there are a lot of wonderful new products I love to bits that I want to write about. All the mad weeks I've had have taken their toll on my skin recently so I'm doing my best to go back to basics with my skincare.

In the mean time I'm going to go make the most of a sunny Sunday afternoon and will crack on with new posts for you soon.

Claire x
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